
March 2025 Read-A-Thon

March 1-31, 2025In honor of National Reading Month, Lauren's House is hosting our fourth annual read-a-thon!

  • What are our goals for this Read-A-Thon?

    In March 2025, Lauren's House aims to: ● Raise $2,000 ($1 for every 5 minutes read)● Read 6,000 minutes ● Involve 30+ students and community members
    Scroll below to see how close we are to meeting our fundraising goals!

  • How will students and community members participate?

    Students of our after-school program and affiliated community members will participate in the read-a-thon to increase fun reading time. If we meet our funding and reading goals, we will host a pizza party and ice cream social to celebrate!
    GUIDELINES● Our goal is for all 12 of our students to read at least 30 minutes per day every day in March (31 days).● We encourage at least 20 affiliated community members (e.g., parents, siblings, teachers, tutors, local residents) to read 20 minutes each day. We encourage parents to read with their child if possible.● Participants will track their minutes read and submit a daily log via Google Forms. We will summarize and report weekly progress every Sunday.

  • What will the money from this fundraiser go towards?

    The money raised will go towards three objectives:● Reading Program: Transitioning to a more comprehensive, individualized Reading Skills Program offered by the Institute of Reading Development (roughly $2,900 for 12 students to participate for three months)● More Part-Time Tutors: Hiring two in-person, college-level tutors to tutor eight hours per week for $16.70/hour (roughly $1,100/month for two tutors)● Programming Space: Securing building space.
    Lauren's House staff is entirely volunteer-based. None of the proceeds will go towards staff stipends. One hundred percent of proceeds will return to benefit students of our programs.


  • What accountability tactics are we using to record minutes read?

    Participating readers will fill out a daily Google Form reading log. A student or sibling will fill out the form with a Lauren's House tutor, schoolteacher, or parent.
    Once the read-a-thon concludes, each participating student or sibling will type up a short three-paragraph report that covers the following:● A summary of what books/sections they have read● What they learned (e.g., new vocabulary words)● Their favorite parts of the books
    The students' reports will be published on our website!

  • What types of books can participants read?

    During the after-school program, tutors will encourage students to read grade-level books. On their own time, community members and students can read any book of their choice in any language (e.g., Spanish). The lack of restrictions is to create a fun reading atmosphere!

  • Where can I see the results of the reading progress?

    An ongoing log of participants' reading progress (minutes read, title and author of books read) will be uploaded here, beginning on March 11, 2024. Progress will be updated every Monday at the latest. Once the read-a-thon concludes, we will post our achievements on our website!

Summer Program 


Fall Fest 2025
